Pillar of Heroes lvl 7

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R SS MultiAge SportBonus17g.png

- Coins are doubled and also produces a forge point when motivated;
can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3
Introduced with: Forge Bowl 2018
Age Icon coins.png
per day
Icon supplies.png
per day
Small fp.png
per day
Icon medal.png
per day
Small goods.png
per day
Ranking Points.png
When motivated
Bronze Age 600 600 3 4 6 45
Iron Age 1.400 1.400 4 5 6 72
Early Middle Ages 2.300 2.300 3 6 6 180
High Middle Ages 3.200 3.200 3 7 6 360
Late Middle Ages 4.200 4.200 3 8 6 540
Colonial Age 6.300 5.300 3 10 6 900
Industrial Age 7.900 6.400 3 13 6 1.800
Progressive Era 9.600 7.500 3 18 6 2.700
Modern Era 11.900 8.800 3 26 6 4.500
Postmodern Era 15.000 10.000 3 36 6 7.200
Contemporary Era 19.500 11.300 3 52 6 10.800
Tomorrow 22.600 12.600 3 70 6 18.000
The Future 25.900 13.800 3 85 6 28.800
Arctic Future 33.200 15.200 3 103 6 43.200
Oceanic Future 33.200 16.700 3 119 6 54.000
Virtual Future 37.200 18.000 3 144 6 72.000