Space Age Mars

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Small fp.png
Required Forge Points
Icon coins.png
Required Coins
Small supplie.png
Required Supplies
Small goods.png
Required Goods
Tech icon.png
Items Provided
Small fp.png
Icon coins.png
Small supplie.png
Small goods.png
Tech icon.png
Technology icon spacefaring.png Spacefaring
Worldmap icon mars.png
300 50,000,000 50,000,000 250Fine tea silk.png250Fine cryptocash.png Mars Colony Access Road icon.png House icon.png
Technology icon subatomic crystallization.png Subatomic Crystallization
Worldmap icon mars.png
310 0 0 350Fine data crystals.png150Fine tea silk.png140Fine cryptocash.png Good icon.png Good icon.png
Technology icon entangled nuclear fusion.png Entangled Nuclear Fusion
Worldmap icon mars.png
305 0 0 235Fine nanites.png280Fine golden rice.png Good icon.png
Technology icon genome recoding.png Genome Recoding
Worldmap icon mars.png
335 0 0 160Fine data crystals.png125Fine golden rice.png200 Good icon.png Good icon.png
Technology icon plasma nozzles.png Plasma Nozzles 310 40,000,000 30,000,000 200Ipromethium.png Military icon.png
Technology icon polymerized membranes.png Polymerized Membranes
Worldmap icon mars.png
330 0 0 200Fine mars ore.png Life Support Building 3 Colony Expansions Mars Terraforming
Technology icon solid mark ii glass.png S.O.L.I.D. Mark II Glass 315 0 0 500Fine superalloys.png400Fine lubricants.png Supplie icon.png House icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon lower ai cores.png Lower AI Cores 320 45,000,000 35,000,000 200Fine mars ore.png250Ipromethium.png Military icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon multispectral sensors.png Multispectral Sensors 335 0 0 250Fine biotech crops.png300Fine mars microbes.png280Fine fusion reactors.png Cultural icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon space marketing techniques.png Space Marketing Techniques 325 0 0 350Fine superalloys.png200Fine mars ore.png500Fine lubricants.png Deco icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon enhanced plasteel.png Enhanced Plasteel
Worldmap icon mars.png
340 0 0 300Fine mars ore.png600Fine biotech crops.png250Orichalcum.png House icon.png 3 Colony Expansions
Technology icon mars regulations.png Mars Regulations 350 60,000,000 0 600Fine biotech crops.png650Fine mars microbes.png600Fine lubricants.png Reward Expansion Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon pressurized plasma.png Pressurized Plasma 365 0 0 500Fine mars microbes.png800Fine fusion reactors.png650Fine lubricants.png Military icon.png
Technology icon repurposable furniture.png Repurposable Furniture
Worldmap icon mars.png
370 0 0 600Fine fusion reactors.png700Fine superalloys.png250Orichalcum.png House icon.png
Technology icon non reflective photovoltaic.png Non-Reflective Photovoltaic
Worldmap icon mars.png
385 0 0 850Fine superalloys.png950Fine biotech crops.png300Ipromethium.png Life Support Building Life Support Building
Technology icon anti gravitational fields.png Anti-Gravitational Fields 360 55,000,000 0 600Fine mars ore.png1,150Fine mars microbes.png1,200Fine lubricants.png Military icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon waste management enzymes.png Waste Management Enzymes
Worldmap icon mars.png
365 0 0 1,050Fine biotech crops.png1,400Fine fusion reactors.png Life Support Building 3 Colony Expansions Mars Terraforming
Technology icon mars infrastructure.png Mars Infrastructure 385 0 0 1,400Fine mars microbes.png1,450Fine superalloys.png400Orichalcum.png Road icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon molecular editing.png Molecular Editing
Worldmap icon mars.png
375 0 0 200Fine fusion reactors.png100Fine mars ore.png Life Support Building 3 Colony Expansions
Technology icon superconductor particle streams.png Superconductor Particle Streams 380 0 0 1,1700Fine superalloys.png1,300Fine mars microbes.png1,450Fine lubricants.png Military icon.png
Technology icon self repairing alloys.png Self-Repairing Alloys
Worldmap icon mars.png
400 0 0 1,000Fine mars ore.png1,200Fine fusion reactors.png House icon.png 3 Colony Expansions
Technology icon neural augmented frameworks.png Neural Augmented Frameworks 395 0 0 1,900Fine biotech crops.png1,700Fine superalloys.png300Orichalcum.png Road icon.png Icon reward avatar.png
Technology icon mars ownership patents.png Mars Ownership Patents 390 0 65,000,000 2,000Fine mars microbes.png900Fine mars ore.png600Ipromethium.png Reward Expansion
Technology icon multi purpose code routines.png Multipurpose Code Routines
Worldmap icon mars.png
400 0 0 2,800Fine fusion reactors.png1,900Fine biotech crops.png1,500Fine lubricants.png Life Support Building

Age icon.png
Bronze Age - Iron Age - Early Middle Age - High Middle Age - Late Middle Age - Colonial Age - Industrial Age - Progressive Era - Modern Era - Postmodern Era - Contemporary Era - Tomorrow Era - The Future - Arctic Future - Oceanic Future - Virtual Future - Space Age Mars - Space Age Asteroid Belt - Space Age Venus - Space Age Jupiter Moon - Space Age Titan - Space Age Space Hub


Age/Era Age icon.png FPs Small fp.png Coins Icon coins.png Supplies Small supplie.png
Stone Age 3 0 0
Bronze Age 127 2 300 2 300
Iron Age 256 8 050 13 100
Early Middle Ages 505 34 000 65 250
High Middle Ages 733 53 500 194 000
Late Middle Ages 1 072 155 000 427 500
Colonial Age 1 000 115 337 421 870
Industrial Age 1 140 303 000 1 495 000
Progressive Era 1 430 514 111 2 026 111
Modern Era 1 440 1 251 000 3 410 000
Postmodern Era 1 680 5 030 000 7 120 000
Contemporary Era 1 530 10 025 914 12 351 147
Tomorrow Era 1 620 16 220 100 20 011 100
The Future 1 887 21 176 100 29 181 200
Arctic Future 4 054 60 421 125 60 508 138
Oceanic Future 9 666 134 800 000 127 400 000
Virtual Future 6 774 233 700 000 262 000 000
Space Age Mars 8 445 250 000 000 180 000 000
Space Age Asteroid Belt 11 295 365 000 000 355 000 000
Space Age Venus 12 045 290 000 000 375 000 000
Space Age Jupiter Moon 14 135 225 000 000 435 000 000
Space Age Titan 20 955 900 000 000 900 000 000
Space Age Space Hub 20 955 1 480 000 000 1 250 00 0000
Total 118 890 2 513 809 537 2 771 626 716

New Era

With each new era, you get a "Congratulations" screen that not only presents what's new and what's coming up in the era you just unlocked, but it also gives you a small reward. The table below presents the content of the packages you get for reaching each era.

Icon coins.png
120 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,000
Small supplie.png
120 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,000
Small fp.png
2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Small medal.png
5 20 40 80 150 250 400 600
Icon coins.png
12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 24,000 28,000 32,000 37,000
Small supplie.png
12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 24,000 28,000 32,000 37,000
Small fp.png
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Small medal.png
900 1,250 1,600 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,200
Icon coins.png
45,000 55,000 67,000 81,000 97,000 115,000
Small supplie.png
45,000 54,000 64,000 75,000 87,000 100,000
Small fp.png
10 10 10 10 10 10
Small medal.png
3,600 4,100 4,700 5,400 6,200 7,100