Emperor's Entrance

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The Emperor's Entrance is part of the Cherry Garden Set Icon cherry garden.png, which produces Coins, Supplies and Medals. It can be upgraded to a second level with the Emperor's Entrance Upgrade Reward icon upgrade kit emperors entrance.png.

Emperor's Entrance - Lv. 1


- Can be plundered (can not be motivated)
- Placed next to different unique buildings from the Cherry Garden set it will additionnaly produce Forge point, supplies and medals
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin and supply output
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building to it's current era
- Emperor's Entrance Upgrade Reward icon upgrade kit emperors entrance.png needed to upgrade to Emperor's Entrance - Lv. 2

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x2
Introduced with: Spring Event 2017
Set: Icon cherry garden.png Cherry Garden

Age Icon coins.png
Icon cherry garden.png 1
Small fp.png (1d)
Icon cherry garden.png 2
Icon supplies.png (1d)
Icon cherry garden.png 3
Icon medal.png (1d)
Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 300 1 280 3 30
Iron Age 720 1 660 3 48
Early Middle Ages 1,200 1 1,100 4 120
High Middle Ages 1,700 1 1,550 4 240
Late Middle Ages 2,200 1 2,050 5 360
Colonial Age 3,400 1 2,600 6 600
Industrial Age 4,200 1 3,150 9 1,200
Progressive Era 5,100 1 3,700 11 1,800
Modern Era 6,500 1 4,300 15 3,000
Postmodern Era 8,000 1 4,900 21 4,800
Contemporary Era 10,400 1 5,500 30 7,200
Tomorrow 12,000 1 6,200 38 12,000
The Future 13,800 1 6,800 48 19,200
Arctic Future 15,700 1 7,500 57 28,800
Oceanic Future 17,700 1 8,200 66 36,000
Virtual Future 19,830 1 8,860 80 48,000

Icon cherry garden.png

Emperor's Entrance - Lv. 2

R SS MultiAge SpringBonusSet18b 400px.png

- Can be plundered (can not be motivated)
- Placed next to different unique buildings from the Cherry Garden set it will additionnaly produce Forge points and medals
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building to it's current era

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x2
Introduced with: Spring Event 2018
Set: Icon cherry garden.png Cherry Garden

Age Icon coins.png
Icon cherry garden.png 1
Small fp.png (1d)
Icon cherry garden.png 2
Icon medal.png (1d)
Icon cherry garden.png 3
Small fp.png (1d)
Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 450 1 5 1 30
Iron Age 1,080 1 6 1 48
Early Middle Ages 1,800 1 7 1 120
High Middle Ages 2,520 1 8 1 240
Late Middle Ages 3,330 1 10 1 360
Colonial Age 5,070 1 12 1 600
Industrial Age 6,320 1 15 1 1,200
Progressive Era 7,670 1 20 1 1,800
Modern Era 9,540 1 30 1 3,000
Postmodern Era 12,000 1 45 1 4,800
Contemporary Era 15,620 1 60 1 7,200
Tomorrow 18,090 1 75 1 12,000
The Future 20,740 1 90 1 19,200
Arctic Future 23,560 1 110 1 28,800
Oceanic Future 26,570 1 120 1 36,000
Virtual Future 29,760 1 135 1 48,000